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Top 10 Skills to look for in a Remote Property Manager in year 2024

Written by Fey Guler | Jul 29, 2024 3:00:00 PM

If you have a real estate business, having a property manager is of utmost importance. They will handle the daily operations of properties, helping the owners. They handle various tasks, from managing clients to handling repairs and maintenance and ensuring compliance. 

Given their importance, they maintain a proper connection between the owners and the buyers. They will ensure each party gets the best deal while making a profit. 

However, finding the best remote property manager is easier said than done. Not all of them possess satisfactory skills or experience to cater to your needs. In the real estate industry, professionalism and communication go a long way. 

In this article, I will discuss 10 must-have skills for hiring a remote property manager. These skills will ensure the property manager can help your real estate business. Let’s get started.


Essential skills to look for in a Remote Property Manager

Now, having a remote property manager will prove highly beneficial. But finding the right one takes time and effort. The last thing you need is an unprofessional and inexperienced remote property manager. 

You don’t want to face the same situation, right? So, make sure you read this article to the end to know more. 


1. Excellent communication skills

As mentioned above, communication is one of the most important aspects of the real estate industry. This skill is the backbone of any successful remote property manager job. Hiring a property manager with excellent communication will prove highly beneficial. 

They can handle tenant inquiries and negotiate with the other vendors. Their clear communication will allow them to maintain a strong relationship and achieve success. 

So, determine an assistant property manager's communication skills before hiring them. Understand how they speak or their tone of voice when talking to someone. 

When they possess excellent communication skills, they will help you build trust with your clients. Moreover, they will help your real estate business achieve long-term success. 


2. Marketing skills

Marketing is critical in the real estate industry. Previously, people thought digital and traditional marketing wouldn’t benefit the brick-and-mortar real estate business. However, things have changed a lot. 

Nowadays, you need to hire a remote property manager with superb marketing skills. This is the only way to ensure they can attract potential clients. Moreover, marketing skills will allow them to maintain a high success rate. 

A successful remote property manager must know the basic marketing strategies. However, as the marketing world constantly changes, they must stay updated with local trends and the market. This will help them curate more effective marketing strategies. 

They must also be familiar with various digital marketing techniques, especially SEO. A remote property manager with marketing skills will undoubtedly boost your online presence. 


3. Customer service skills

Customer service is another must-have skill. A remote property manager must handle customers effectively and ensure they answer every question. 

From handling inquiries to simple communication, these are essential for success. As a result, your remote property manager will boost your business’s efficiency. 

Remember to prioritize your clients' needs over everything. When a property manager can handle customers, they will improve overall relationships. 

This will show that you’re going above and beyond for your clients. They will feel happy and valued, and they will also appreciate the remote property manager. 


4. Organizational skills

A remote property manager has to handle various tasks simultaneously. Thus, they need to have a certain level of organizational skills to manage everything effectively. This way, they can organize the tasks and maintain a professional image. 

Therefore, ensure the remote property manager you’re planning to hire can juggle multiple tasks. Whether they use any software or do it manually, their work has to be flawless. 

Let’s say you’re planning to sell or rent out multiple properties. In such cases, you must create a solid plan while maintaining the documents, finances, etc. Sounds too complicated, right?

But when your remote property manager has organizational skills, you don’t need to worry about anything. They will handle everything to ensure there’s no room for mistakes. 


5. Law knowledge

You’re hiring a remote property manager for your real estate business. So, they should possess real estate law knowledge. This is an important skill you need to consider. 

Moreover, you must consider your location before hiring a remote property manager. This is because the real estate laws will differ from one state to another. So, make sure you specify it so that they don’t face problems later. 

Most importantly, a remote property manager should know landlord-tenant laws. These laws protect the interests of both parties and navigate the real estate market. 

But what will you do if they don’t have the law knowledge? In such cases, you need to educate them. However, they must have basic real estate law knowledge for a smoother transition. 


6. Time management

A remote property manager must have time management skills. This skill is an absolute must-have as they have to handle various tasks. Time management skills will ensure they complete their day-to-day activities properly. 

This way, they can get everything done without any issues. However, sometimes the property managers may face problems managing their time. 

In such cases, ask them to prioritize their tasks according to importance and urgency. If the situation arises, the tasks can be delegated immediately. 


7. Money management skills

A remote property manager must be able to manage overall cash flow and the financial aspects of a real estate transaction without errors. These include expense tracking, rent payments, rent collection, etc. 

So, what are the benefits of having robust financial management skills? It will ensure you make profits from your properties. It will also ensure your properties are maintained properly without any hassle. 

The account principles will help property managers track finances properly. If they lack some areas, you can provide them with management courses. This way, they can upskill themselves. 

Last but not least, they need to increase your revenue. You’re hiring a remote property manager for a purpose, right? Whether they benefit you in terms of efficiency or revenue, they can undoubtedly reduce the current workload. 


8. Technical skills

The modern world is highly technologically driven. You must use various apps and software items for your real estate business. If the remote property manager cannot handle technical things, it will be a huge problem for them. 

Being tech-savvy is one of the most important skills for a remote property manager. They must know how to use the online tools. This way, the property management process will become far easier. 

Remember that the real estate market is going digital. So, hiring a remote property manager with technical skills will undoubtedly benefit your business. They will use tools and apps to add value to the clients. 

You can also automate various tasks using applications. They can use rental documents and forms to complete the payments. They will bring technical expertise to add value to your team. 


9. Patience and flexibility

When handling difficulties, an intelligent landlord must be patient and flexible. This is because not everything will go as planned. Only some will pay rent on time, leading to inefficient rental property management

Property managers must remain current on emerging concerns. These include natural disasters, pandemics, the state of the economy, and other potential roadblocks. 

A remote property manager must work with tenants and show empathy when something goes wrong. Since nobody is flawless and everyone is human, this will reduce tenant turnover and create a sense of trust. 

When the property manager is kind and understanding, it will ultimately enhance client relationships. However, it can be difficult and irritating at times. But, a property manager will have a better chance of fixing things when they have patience and flexibility. 


10. Professional development

Remember that the real estate industry changes constantly. So, you need to hire a remote property manager who can also focus on their professional development. This way, they can develop professional skills over time. 

To succeed, a remote property manager should stay updated with the latest trends. This is a quality you must look for while hiring them. This includes attending webinars, watching videos, reading articles, etc. 


Ready to hire a Remote Property Manager?

Overall, hiring a remote property manager will prove highly beneficial for your real estate business. They can streamline various business operations, ensuring you focus on more important tasks. 

When you hire one, remember to follow the 10 skills listed above. These skills will ensure the remote property manager you hire has the necessary experience and industry knowledge. 

And if you need help with your property management, remember to contact Sofia. With excellent property management features, Sofia will make sure you don’t face problems with rent collection, maintenance, document management, customer support, etc.