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Fractional COO vs. COO: Which professional suits your business?

Written by Fey Guler | Sep 10, 2024 3:30:00 PM

Being a business owner is not walking in the park. You must handle various tasks, and some of them are daunting. To boost your business operation, you need to hire a COO. But the question is – what type of COO should you partner with?

Nowadays, many businesses are considering fractional COOs. This is primarily because of their knowledge and cost-effectiveness. So, why this sudden shift in operational management?

To help you understand, we have prepared this guide. In this article, we will discuss some differences between fractional COO vs. COO. Without further ado, let’s get started. 


What is a Fractional COO?

Knowing about fractional COO is the first step to learning more about fractional COO vs. COO. These professionals are senior executives, often working part-time or temporarily. They bring excellent operational leadership to your company without full-time commitment. 

Hiring a fractional COO will be highly beneficial for startups and small businesses. Moreover, many smart businesses also opt for fractional COO due to the cost-saving opportunities. 

If you need operational expertise but don’t have the resources to hire a full-time COO, this role will be valuable. Here are some key aspects of a fractional COO. 

  • Scalability: A fractional COO is perfect for businesses during the growth phase. These businesses aren’t ready to hire full-time executives but need expert guidance. Their services will be flexible to meet your business’s needs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Hiring a full-time COO can be expensive. A fractional COO provides similar top-notch services at a fraction of the cost. Thus, you don’t need to worry about straining your budget.
  • Objective perspective: Fractional COOs are external resources. Thus, their opinions on your company’s operations will be unbiased. There will be no long-standing biases or internal politics.
  • Specialized expertise: Fractional chief operating officers often have extensive experience across various industries, including real estate and property management. Their specialized solutions can be tailored to the specific needs of the real estate sector.
  • Immediate impact: Fractional COOs are seasoned experts. They can get your operations running quickly. This will prove beneficial when a situation needs instant change or utmost attention. 

Remember that the right Fractional chief operating officer will be a game-changer. If your real estate business faces daily operations problems, you can reduce the pressure with a fractional COO. They will handle the operational workload and help your business succeed. 


What is a Traditional COO?

Like a fractional COO, a traditional COO is a high-level executive managing the business's day-to-day operations. They are usually hired for a full-time position and report directly to the CEO. 

However, their working aspects may not be similar to fractional COOs. Let’s take a look at the key aspects. 

  • Full-time commitment: Unlike a fractional COO, a traditional COO is employed full-time. They provide consistent and ongoing leadership. 
  • Comprehensive operational oversight: A traditional COO will oversee all operational aspects. These include marketing, sales, production, human resources, customer service, etc. 
  • Organized integration: As full-time executives, these professionals are deeply integrated into the company’s culture. They make excellent decisions and maintain strong employee relationships. 
  • Accountability and responsibility: A traditional COO maintains high accountability for the company’s operational performance. They set performance metrics and monitor overall progress. This helps them make necessary adjustments to achieve proper outcomes. 
  • Crisis management: A traditional COO can help in crisis management, whether it’s market downturns or financial challenges. They also develop effective strategic plans to ensure business continuity. 

Having a full-time COO will be beneficial for your real estate business. However, remember that hiring and retaining them will prove highly expensive. You can get the same level of expertise and assistance from a fractional COO cost-effectively. 


Fractional COO vs. COO: Primary differences

Now that you know what fractional COO vs. COO is, it’s time to focus on the key differences. Remember that despite the size of your business, having a fractional COO will always help you save money and effort. They can understand your business properly without any full-time commitment. 

Nevertheless, sometimes, you may want to hire a traditional full-time COO. But you need to know their differences to ensure you choose the right professional for your business. 


1. Time commitment 

One of the most distinctive differences between fractional COO vs. COO is their time commitment. A fractional COO will work on a temporary or part-time basis. They will provide their expertise and experience for several hours a week. 

Thanks to this flexible approach, you can leverage the benefits of high-level operational leadership without full-time commitment. The time spent is often tailored to the specific needs of the company. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for companies without a full-time COO and who need expert operational guidance.

On the other hand, a traditional COO will work in an organization full-time. Their day-to-day activities involve covering the overall operations. This commitment allows them to address any challenges as soon as possible. 


2. Investment

When you’re deciding whether you hire a fractional COO or a traditional COO, the investment will play a key role. This is true, especially for startups or small businesses running on a tight budget.

Partnering with a fractional part-time COO will always be far more cost-effective. You will be paying only for the services you need. This arrangement will give you senior expertise without a full-time salary. 

Moreover, you don’t need to worry about giving any employee benefits. This makes fractional COO an attractive option for businesses with careful resource allocation. 

However, hiring a traditional COO involves a huge financial commitment. They will ask for a massive salary, bonuses, healthcare benefits, equity, etc. These demands are hard to justify, even for a large company. 


3. Scope of involvement 

A Fractional COO typically takes on a more targeted role. They focus on specific projects and their operational challenges. They usually help your business to particular areas where you need the most support. 

For example, a fractional COO usually focuses on managing growth and optimizing the process. Thus, they can address critical issues effectively, bringing solid expertise. And contrary to popular belief, they are more concentrated than a full-time COO. 

A traditional COO also has a large scope of involvement. They will oversee your company's entire operational framework. This way, they will ensure the departments are aligned with your business’s strategic objectives. 


4. Flexibility

The flexibility offered by a Fractional COO compared to a Traditional COO is another key difference. This factor will heavily influence your company’s decision-making. 

One of the primary benefits of a Fractional COO is the flexibility they provide. Companies can engage a Fractional COO for specific projects and seasonal needs. With this flexibility, you can scale fractional COO’s involvement up or down. 

For example, a company might partner with a Fractional COO to oversee a critical project. You can reduce their working hours or conclude the contract after completing the project. 

But, a traditional COO doesn’t offer the same level of flexibility. Their position is a permanent fixture in the company’s leadership structure. Thus, it requires a long-term commitment from both the executive and the company.


5. Strategic depth

A Fractional COO often brings fresh, external perspectives to the company. This will prove highly valuable for your growing business. These perspectives will help you counter challenges and learn new opportunities. 

However, due to their part-time involvement, their influence on long-term strategic initiatives may be limited. While they can contribute significantly, they may need extra time to develop proper strategies. 

However, as a traditional COO working full-time, they can be more embedded in both operational and strategic aspects. They are often key in shaping and executing the company’s long-term vision. They will work with the CEO to ensure everything’s in order. 


6. Relationship with the team

This is another difference between fractional COO vs. COO you must know. While it’s not a game-changer, the relationship of the COO with the team can come in handy. 

A fractional COO can quickly develop a solid relationship with the team. Many business owners assume that fractional COOs have fewer team-building capabilities. However, that’s not true. 

They can be effective leaders and provide value and guidance. However, make sure you introduce them to your employees so that they can get comfortable sooner. 

A traditional COO can also build strong relationships with the employees. Truth be told, they are more effective than fractional COOs. This is because a full-time COO will be staying in a company for a longer period. This makes them understand the employees better. 


How can Sofia assist you?

Hiring a full-time COO isn’t always practical or cost-effective for small businesses. However, these companies' operational challenges still demand expert leadership. This is where partnering with a fractional COO, like me can make all the difference.

A fractional COO works closely with your team to manage day-to-day tasks. The beauty of this arrangement is its flexibility—some weeks might require 20-30 hours of involvement, while others might only need 10 hours. 

This adaptability allows Fey to focus on what truly matters: identifying your business’s key objectives and working tirelessly to achieve them. Here are some operational tasks Sofia can handle effectively: 


1. Operations Management

At Sofia, we are dedicated to helping real estate and property management professionals streamline their operations. Outsourcing to Sofia means you can rely on our seasoned experts to manage your operational tasks. We’ll take care of tenant management and rent collection for you.

We won’t stop here. Our operational management outsourcing services also cover handling maintenance requests and offering administrative support.


2. Bookkeeping

Our real estate bookkeeping services are designed for property managers and professionals. When you outsource your bookkeeping to Sofia, we'll maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records for you.

We’ll provide comprehensive reports to help you monitor property profitability and performance, ensuring the financial stability of your real estate business. Additionally, we offer exceptional tax preparation services to ensure a seamless process during tax season. 


3. Marketing

To enhance your online presence in the competitive real estate market, consider outsourcing your marketing tasks to Sofia. Our customized marketing solutions are designed to attract more clients while effectively promoting your real estate business to the right audiences.

Our targeted ads will drive up property bookings, while our content creation and social media marketing services will ensure your brand maintains a strong presence across all platforms. Additionally, we’ll help you stay informed about market trends, enabling you to develop more detailed and effective strategies. 


4. Communication

Outsourcing tenant and guest communication tasks to Sofia can be highly advantageous. With our skilled remote communication support, you'll enhance client interactions and boost overall satisfaction. 

Reliable experts can efficiently handle inquiries and are trained to resolve issues positively. We’ll also manage and respond to reviews, ensuring your business maintains a strong reputation. 


5. Administrative tasks

Administrative tasks can be overwhelming, but there's no need to worry when you can outsource them to Sofia. Sofia's real estate virtual assistants are skilled at efficiently managing all administrative duties.

For instance, Sofia can automate tasks like appointment scheduling, paperwork completion, and tenant satisfaction management. This way, our VAs help create a streamlined and stress-free property management process.


6. Build and train staff

Sofia provides expert staff building and training services. Thanks to these, you can create a reliable team that meets the unique needs of your property management business. We will recruit staff with the best skills and experience. 

We provide targeted training in relevant areas to ensure the team is prepared. Last but not least, we will ensure your staff stays updated on the current industry practices and technologies. 


7. CRM management

Outsourcing CRM management to Sofia can be a game-changer for your real estate business. Our experts will ensure that every client interaction is accurately recorded and managed, helping you build strong relationships with both prospects and clients.

Sofia will also oversee your CRM to ensure no deals slip through the cracks. With Sofia handling your CRM, you can trust that every client will feel engaged and appreciated. 


8. Compliance management

Outsourcing compliance management tasks to Sofia offers significant advantages for your business. Our team is well-versed in the latest real estate news and best practices, ensuring that your business adheres to all required regulations.

Sofia’s compliance management services will help you stay aligned with current legal standards. Our professionals are dedicated to going above and beyond to safeguard your real estate business from potential liabilities.


9. Vendor management

With our extensive experience in vendor management, our professionals will efficiently handle contracts and coordination.

Sofia will also reduce the operational burden on your in-house team, allowing them to concentrate on core business activities while we manage day-to-day vendor interactions. Our proactive approach ensures a thorough vendor performance evaluation and effective resolution of any issues.

Our team utilizes advanced methodologies and tools to ensure that our market data is current and accurate. This reliable information lets you make informed, data-driven decisions while minimizing costly mistakes. You can also avoid the overhead costs of maintaining an internal research team.

Outsourcing various real estate tasks will always help your business grow and thrive. Besides these services, our founder will work as a fractional COO for your company, helping you manage all operational tasks. 


Ready to hire a Fractional COO?

At Sofia, we can cut your staffing costs by over 70%. Our scalable solutions and no-contract obligations significantly benefit your real estate business.

Reach out to Sofia today to see how we can support your company’s growth. With flexible weekly payments and cost-effective options, you won’t need to stretch your budget. Plus, we provide a 7-day satisfaction guarantee to ensure your satisfaction with our services.