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12 reasons to prioritize Customer Service In Property Management

Written by Fey Guler | Sep 5, 2024 3:00:00 PM

Having a property management company means maintaining long-term relationships with clients and tenants. As the market has become more competitive, you cannot rely only on signing contracts. You need to give them something more than your competitors. 

Sure, your property management services are exceptional. However, growing your company will be extremely challenging without a positive client experience. Thus, top-notch customer service is important for both property managers and tenants. 

When you provide high-quality customer service, your clients will feel valued. They will always choose your business over others. 

This article will discuss 12 reasons to prioritize quality customer service in property management. Without further ado, let’s get started. 


Importance of Customer Service in Property Management

Now that the introduction is over, let’s focus on the primary aspect of the article. Great customer service in property management can help you capture your client's attention. 

But that’s all? No – that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read on to know how many ways customer service can benefit your business. 


1. 24/7 support for tenants

The customer service aspect is the heart of the property management industry. You cannot overlook the importance of immediate and reliable communication. After all, this approach will make or break your property management strategy. 

You must offer 24/7 support to tenants and guests. This will ensure 100% availability, whether for a general inquiry or an emergency. This constant availability will address problems while enhancing guest or tenant experience. 

Moreover, tenants will feel more valued and secure knowing you’re just one phone call away. They will know they don’t need to wait, regardless of the time. This will ultimately lead to more tenant satisfaction and retention. 

In addition, around-the-clock support can help prevent small issues from getting bigger. This proactive approach will help you save significant time and resources. 


2. Managing property details efficiently

Now, this is an important one. Quality customer service in property management can effectively manage property details. That sounds super helpful, right?

A dedicated customer service team can handle various property detail management tasks. These include tracking lease agreements, maintaining requests, reviewing tenant records, handling payment histories, etc. When you let a customer service team handle these tasks, they will ensure all details are meticulously recorded and maintained. 

Let’s say the tenants have any questions regarding lease or maintenance requests. In such cases, they can contact your customer service property management team. This builds trust, as tenants are being handled with professional care and attention. 

Moreover, you can focus on strategic planning and property improvements. You can rest easily knowing that the day-to-day operations are in good hands


3. Resolving property and client issues

In the real estate industry, issues can arise at any time. From emergencies to disputes, you must be prepared to face anything. And if the dispute is over lease terms, it will likely get bigger. 

With a customer service team, you can resolve these issues swiftly. These professionals will address tenant concerns, ensuring the problems are mitigated immediately. 

We have seen many people face problems resolving property and client issues. And do you know why? They don’t prioritize quality customer service in property management. Thus, make sure you don’t make the same mistake.

Remember that tenants usually contact customer service when they face issues. Professional customer service can resolve these issues with utmost attention and communication. 

This translates into smoother operations for rental property managers. Remember that effective issue resolution can enhance a property’s reputation. And your property will be more attractive to prospective tenants and clients.


4. Making property changes 

Property renovations and maintenance can be a significant stress for tenants. This is another aspect where you must prioritize quality customer service in property management. They will ensure these changes are communicated and executed smoothly. As a result, there will be minimal disruptions and more tenant satisfaction. 

When property changes are needed, a customer service team communicates with the tenants. They explain what needs to be done and the timeframe. This transparency reduces anxiety and sets expectations. 

Additionally, the customer service team can address any concerns or questions. They will always consider the tenant’s needs while implementing the changes. This attention to detail will prove highly beneficial. 


5. Following up with clients

Client follow-up is an important aspect of high-quality customer service in property management. Proper follow-ups will ensure clients' satisfaction after issues are resolved. You will know that the clients got what they requested with top-notch expectations. 

But what’s the benefit? For starters, it will showcase your commitment to service excellence. Moreover, you can pinpoint any concerns and areas of improvement. 

When customer service teams engage in follow-up, they showcase genuine interest in tenant satisfaction and well-being. Such follow-ups will also develop stronger relationships. Also, both the property managers and tenants will feel valued. 


6. Improving tenant retention

Customer service will be a key factor in enhancing tenant retention. When tenants experience exceptional service, they will feel more satisfied. Moreover, chances are they will be eager to continue with their tenancy. 

Property managers who provide responsive customer service will resolve issues quickly. They will always maintain an engaging and thoughtful relationship with the tenants.

Satisfied tenants are more likely to renew their leases. They will also recommend the property, reducing the turnover rate. You can also save costs associated with finding and onboarding new tenants. 


7. Boosting property reputation

Increasing property reputation means investing in marketing tactics. To boost your online presence, you must implement various digital marketing strategies. However, this takes a significant amount of time and effort. 

But do you know you can achieve the results with a customer service team? Yes, you heard that right. They will help your property and real estate business remain competitive. 

But do they help in marketing and property reputation? For example, their high-quality support makes tenants and clients happy. This leads to more positive reviews, attracting new property owners and investors. 

People always like companies with robust customer service teams. And customer service in property management is no exception. Thanks to their consistent interactions, you can build a higher property reputation. 


8. Increasing property value

Customer service teams will directly impact increasing a property’s value. This primarily lies in their capability of providing exceptional service to the tenants. This encourages tenants to take better care of their rental units. This approach ultimately contributes to the property's overall maintenance and appeal.

Surveys suggest that a property stays well-managed when the customer service is top-notch. This is mainly because of the prompt attention to maintenance and repairs. This allows you to maintain and enhance the property’s physical appearance. 

Remember that properties with strong tenant satisfaction are always low-risk investments. This will undoubtedly lead to higher property valuations. 


9. Making smooth lease renewals

Property managers always target smooth lease renewals. However, this is easier said than done, especially in this competitive market. But customer service in property management can help you achieve this. 

They will handle the lease renewal process with care and professionalism. This way, they will ensure tenants continue their residency without unnecessary hassle. 

A customer service team will also initiate renewal conversations well in advance. The tenants won’t need to worry about last-minute surprises. Additionally, they will provide tenants with clear information about the renewal process. 

But that’s not all. Customer service can also manage documents and update lease agreements. These factors will lead to a more streamlined lease renewal process. This approach will reduce the workload for property managers. 


10. Building robust client relationships

Do you want to build robust client relationships? If so, you must prioritize quality customer service in property management. Strong relationships are often built on trust and communication, and excellent customer service can effectively provide these.

This is why property managers should always consider exceptional service. This is the only way to address clients' needs and concerns. This creates a positive experience, making clients feel respected. 

However, be careful not to be too pushy. You cannot force a client's relationships. All you can do is provide quality customer service and let the professionals handle these tasks. 


11. Gaining a competitive advantage

You must gain a competitive advantage in the property management industry. And, what’s better than providing solid customer service to stand apart? Your quality of customer service will break or make your property management strategies. 

Let’s say you always provide outstanding customer service in property management. You try to keep your clients and tenants happy. This will make them talk more about your services, leading to a more competitive advantage. 

On the other hand, let’s say your customer service isn’t that effective. Your tenants are dissatisfied and do not look forward to engaging with you. As a result, your competitor will fly past, making your company struggle. 


12. More word-of-mouth marketing

High-quality customer service is crucial in enhancing word-of-mouth marketing. When tenants and clients receive exceptional service, they share their positive experiences. Thus, they generate valuable referrals and recommendations.

Outstanding customer service creates memorable experiences that tenants and clients are eager to discuss. Satisfied tenants are likely to recommend the property to potential renters. Their connections will also trust their recommendations. 

Word-of-mouth marketing ​​can enhance the property’s reputation and visibility. The property management team benefits from increased interest and inquiries. This leads to higher occupancy rates and more business opportunities.

How can Sofia help?

Hiring and training an in-house customer service team can be costly and time-consuming. You need to train and manage them so that they can handle clients and tenants. These aspects will lead to operational downtime. On top of that, asking them to provide around-the-clock service can be challenging and expensive.

However, you can overcome these hurdles efficiently with Sofia, a specialized real estate outsourcing service provider. But why should you outsource customer service tasks to Sofia? 

For starters, you will get a dedicated remote customer service team. These professionals are hand-picked and can deliver exceptional services around the clock. This service alone is enough to set Sofia apart in staffing and outsourcing

Sofia’s comprehensive support includes 24/7 assistance for tenant and guest communication. This service provider will promptly address inquiries and issues, regardless of the time. Here are some tasks the team can handle:

  • 24/7 support 
  • Excellent communication
  • Resolving issues
  • Property details management
  • Swift property changes
  • Consistent follow-ups

Outsourcing customer service tasks to Sofia will undoubtedly prove super beneficial. We will do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus more on strategic aspects. 

Ready to boost Customer Service in Property Management?

Customer service in property management isn’t about addressing tenant’s problems. You must also create a good atmosphere to make clients and tenants feel appreciated. They will feel a sense of belonging, undoubtedly making them happy. 

Remember that customer service is key to growing your property management business. So, make sure you don’t overlook its importance. 

At Sofia, we believe your real estate customer service should be top-notch. Hire Sofia today, and let us handle your customer service needs.